Runners Nail
Repetitive impact or trauma to your toes when exercising can cause several problems to the nail bed itself…

Nike 4% & Nike Next % – What Is All The Fuss About?
During our #podblog we discuss the shoe, the claims, the evidence, issues…

Peroneal Training
The peroneal muscles evert and plantarflex the ankle and help support the arch. I have demonstrated…

Pronation, Supination, What’s It All About?
This is a question that I get asked every day in the clinic and even more frequently when I’m advising…

What Is A Bunion?
A bunion (hallux valgus) is a bony lump on the side of your foot next to your big toe joint. As time goes…

What Is Nail Surgery?
Are you suffering from a painful ingrowing toenail? Nail surgery is the permanent solution to resolving ingrowing…

What Is Shockwave Therapy?
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) has been used for the past 20 years, it is the application of shock…

Thickened Toe Nails
Thickened toenails come through the clinic door every day! We see people of all ages with this…

Heel Pain In Children
If your child is aged between 8 and 15 the most common cause of heel pain is Sever’s disease. Before you panic…

Brothers In Business
The Cooper brothers, Paul and Tom from the leafy Cardiff suburb of Whitchurch have…

Do I Have A Verruca?
Verrucas are a nuisance and can take a long time to resolve. I often get asked…

Life In A Family Business
Parts of this article are included in a national NatWest Bank feature which focuses on six…